Questa è dedicata alla canzone di Leonard Cohen di cui De Andrè ha fatto una cover altrettanto bella.
Nancy è un'altra donna inquieta, meno romanticamente ribelle e indipendente della Ruby Tuesday degli Stones, ma altrettanto struggente nella sua solitudine. Una suicida di Montrèal, una figura meno forte e risoluta, ma che viene ricordata da tutte le voci della canzone con la solita delicatezza di cui Cohen riesce a farsi meraviglioso portavoce.
It seems so long ago,
none of us were strong;
Nancy wore green stockings
and she slept with everyone.
She never said she'd wait for us
although she was alone,
I think she fell in love for us
in nineteen sixty one,
in nineteen sixty one.
It seems so long ago,
Nancy was alone,
a forty five beside her head,
an open telephone.
We told her she was beautiful,
we told her she was free
but none of us would meet her in
the House of Mystery,
the House of Mystery.
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